Having a glass of warm milk before going to bed is an incredibly relaxing and healthy routine, and if you add cinnamon to it, you will boost the healing qualities of the drink. Cinnamon milk is one of…

  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder (organic, lightly processed)
  • one cup warm milk
  • Honey (to taste)
  • Vanilla extract (optional)


  1. Add cinnamon to the milk, sweeten with honey, and enrich the taste with the vanilla extract.
  2. Drink it while warm and enjoy it!

One last thing… you should try this “7-second hack” that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 7-second hack?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.

She said, “It’s not so much about the “7-second hack”, but more about how it removes built-up toxins inside your body — to repair your body’s slow metabolism and to ignite your body’s natural ability to burn fat and improve your health and appearance. ”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

Imagine waking up every morning full of energy and loving what you see in the mirror…

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

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